Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Job

I've been so busy with getting back from/recovering from my previously posted about trip and starting my new job that I haven't had time to blog about it. But yes, I do indeed have a new job. It isn't a nursing job like I had hoped for, but it is a job none the less. And I enjoy it. I am working at the Kadena Gift Corner here on our base. The store is only open a few days a week so once my training is over I will only be scheduled a couple of days a week, but there are lots of volunteer opportunities and the people that I work with are really nice. We have some amazing stuff in the store from all over the world. Cambodia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Germany, Bali, of course Japan...my goal is to work my way up through the ranks and be able to go on the buying trips! How sweet would that be?? For right now, i'm just a "sales associate" so I take your money and look at you blankly when you ask me questions about which country what came from or what something is made from...I'm a pro at that last part!

Feel free to look at our website. I noticed as I put this link up that they have added me to the list of employees. That must mean that i'm doing okay, right? I mean that's practically written in stone ;)



Unknown said...

I love all of the Christmas decor from Germany. I have always wanted one of those hand-carved wood things with the candles and the propeller and when the candles are lit the propeller spins. (I have no idea what they are called) I love them but all the ones I have found in stores here cost hundreds of dollars. How much do y'all sell them for?

Misty said...

I'll let you know what that propeller thingy is called and how much it costs when we get our Germany shipment in closer to Christmas. Apparently the whole store transforms into a "Christmas Paradise" ... won't I be in heaven?? ha ha ha ha!!

And while i'm at it, the next time I stop at a vending machine and get a pepsi, instead of recycling that bad boy, i'll mail it to you!! :)