Monday, October 19, 2009

Boredom = new blog post

So, this entire week I have the "honor" of handling first aid at the Wood Magic Science fair on campus. It has now been four and a half hours and I've seen one person. Splinter. Imagine that. With all this wood. So...that means that I am scrambling to find things to occupy my time. So I decided to work on the blog. I really must get some things to post about in between trips.

I started out my day fairly productively. My friend Jared made me a copy of his Rosetta Stone CD to help me learn Japanese. I did this for a couple of hours until my brain felt like it was leaking from my ears. It is a really cool program, but it's a full immersion program. No English. It's jump in and see what you can figure out. Wrong answer? Keep'll get it. Same questions over and over and over. Eventually you figure out what's right and why it's right (or at least you hope you do) Remember when you were an infant and you didn't know English? Same theory. Or so they say. I've had fun with it.

Here are a couple of pictures that I thought I'd post. Since this is a post about nothing (kind of like a Seinfeld episode) these random pictures should fit right in!!

The first one is a picture of my friend Casey and I after my very first 5k walk/run in May. The second is Logan, hiding from the camera on the first day of school, and the last is my friend Sonja and I.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My latest trip...

I've been back in the land of the "bulldawgs" for almost 24 hours now and I realized that I have yet to post one picture or one blog from my weekend with Justin in Albuquerque. Of course it was great fun!!

My excuse for going out there this weekend was the Balloon Fiesta...unfortunately the winds were not cooperative. Both the Saturday and Sunday balloon functions were canceled because of the high winds. (I did see a couple of balloons before they deflated them!! AND we still saw some pretty awesome fireworks.) Luckily the balloons were just my excuse to go. My REASON for going was still there!!

Since the balloons were a no go, we used our time doing a lot of hiking. Hard core (for me) hiking. I even had to get my very first pair of hiking shoes. Oh yeah. I'm a pro now. When we hiked part way up the Cabazon, peak, we did pretty well about 2/3rds of the way up, and then SLID the rest of the way down on our butts. It was pretty comical.

Cabazon Peak

Me...with no way up, no way down...
While we didn't make it to the top of Cabazon Peak, we did make it to the top of Battleship rock...
Battleship Rock
and went to Soda Dam and saw some hot springs
and met some locals...