Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tug of war

I'm trying to do better with this whole "blog" thing. We'll see how long it lasts!
Here are some pictures from the Tug-of-war on Gate 2 street that Justin and I went to back in November. It was quite the experience. I wish I had a picture that really demonstrated just how big this rope was....! This was actually a SCALED DOWN version of the tug of war that is held annually down in Naha. Here are some fun facts about Okinawa's claim to fame: Around 15,000 people participate in a tug-of-war during an annual event in Naha, in Japan's southern island of Okinawa The rope used in the event - 200 meters long, 156 cms in diameter, weighing 43 tons and made from harvested straw - was recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest rope. We're famous!!
Me....posing. Pretending like i'm actually going to participate in this crazy event!
Here it goes. Everyone pulling with all they've got. Chanting, "Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull" I think the rope actually moved about two inches, but it was enough to make our side the winner!!

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