I promised a derby update, so here it goes. After lots of falls, bruises, and an accident that nearly broke my nose, I am proud to say that I am now an OFFICIAL Kokeshi Roller Doll as of this past Saturday. I have fulfilled my two month probationary period!! I fell and I got back up. And I kept coming back for more. Now I can get my offical KRD tank top with my name and number on it. I can't WAIT!!
DelectaBelle #7
About a month ago, the league (KRD) split into three teams. We each have our own logos, our own coaches, and our own practice times. That way when the time comes, we will be able to bout each other. I am a Shisa Slammer!!
And here is a picture of my team. Such great girls! I couldn't imagine having a better team!
I know it was a short update, but I hope you get the gist. I am loving derby. Regardless of the falls and occasional bruised ego! :) As for the nearly broken nose incident….well, let's just say that I hope that never, EVER, happens again - and thank goodness for mouthguards!!

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