Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Roller Derby

After hearing that I joined the local Roller Derby League, the Kokeshi Roller Dolls, some people have asked me if I've lost my mind. Maybe. But I am having a great time on that slippery slope to insanity! How did it happen you ask? What made me think, "Hey...I'd like to fall down, get hit, and skate until I want to puke!" Well, one day in December I was looking on facebook and saw an all call event for the league. And I thought about how much fun that would be, but "who am I kidding?? I can't join a DERBY LEAGUE! I have zero experience and zero skill!" But then I read the qualifications for joining the newly formed league. 1. Be at least 18 years old 2. Be a woman and 3. Have health insurance. Well, check, check, check! Turns out I was perfectly qualified!! ;) We have a wide variety of skating skills, but I can say that i've never seen such positive reinforcement from a team. It doesn't matter WHEN you fall, it just matters that you got back up. We practice three nights a week, skating our hearts out. Our first bout will be at the end of April. I hope I'm ready!

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