Did you know that they don't use pennies overseas? Well, maybe you did. But I didn't. So therefore, I thought it was a very cool fact that I would share. Apparently the Department of Defense decided that it costs more than what a penny is actually worth to ship them overseas to use as currency so if you are purchasing something and you would need to pay or be paid in pennies, your total would be either rounded up or down to the nearest nickel.
For those of you who know me well, you know that this throws off my entire day when I total my register at the store and it's off by two cents because there was a 15% off sale and I had to round up or down. I hate it when things aren't exact!! :)
But I can say this...
Dear Penny,
I won't miss you. Finding you deep down in the recesses of the sofa cushions. Trying desperately to reach you in the great abiss that is the cracks between the car seats. All those times that I've sucked you up into the vacuum cleaner. Nope. There is no love lost between you and I.
Interesting fact!
I cannot stand a penny either. I'd LOVE it over there! :)
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