As i've said before, getting along here isn't so bad. I thought that coming to JAPAN would be so difficult. Not only do I not speak the language in anyway, I can't even recognize any of the letters!! Talk about culture shock! But it wasn't like that. Everything here is very "user friendly". As you would expect, almost everything is in Japanese, but there are pictures to go along with most things.

Like take these signs for example...I know that if I need to go to the restroom, take a shower, or need to lock up my briefcase, this is the building to do it in (I don't know why anyone would bring a briefcase to the beach, but I'll tell you that while I was exploring Sunset beach on this particular day, I saw two guys walking around in suits...lol). Or in the next picture....Bathrooms, first aid, or food. Yup. Easy enough. This made me wonder...back in the states, is it as easy for someone who doesn't speak English to travel around? Or are we so conceited that we assume everyone speaks English? Somehow I doubt that it is. I've never looked around and wondered...would I know where to go or what to do if I couldn't read or speak one word of English? I'll have to think more about that the next time i'm back.
Luckily, when it's something really important, the Japanese will write it in English AND Japanese so that the warning is heard loud and clear!! Like these signs! Heard ya!!

This sign seems pretty self explainatory. I know that I'M not getting that that water!! Warning successfully delivered!! But just in case it wasn't, about 10 feet to the left, was the sign below. LOL These guys are very effective with their signage!! I love it! I got it. Don't get in that water. CHECKS!

I wonder if they know what this sign actually says?? Surely no one REALLY loves mornings, right?? Sorry...this made me smile.
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