Sunday, May 15, 2011

Feeling like a princess

I saw this and thought it was way too funny not to share. No wonder I feel like a princess ;)

New House (Part one)

So as most of you know Justin and I moved into a new house off base just over a month ago. It's been great. Not far from base, about a block from the seawall, and right across the street from a great Turkish restaurant and a coffee place.

Our move was a whirlwind. Justin was TDY when the movers came so I unpacked as much as I could. When he got home it was straight back to work, unpacking in our spare time, while trying to spend some time together before he left again….this time for a deployment. In between all that, we managed to get in our awesome trip to Taipei. All of that is to give my excuses as to why there are still boxes in the house and why I am just getting around to posting pictures of the house (and why the house pictures will be posted in at least two parts … because there are still boxes and messiness in all the parts that I didn't take pictures of!!)

So here is our house.

This is the game room/extra room. That door to the left leads into Justin's bathroom. This is on the first floor. Other than the garage, it's the only thing down there.
On the second floor is the kitchen, living room, and one tiny half bath. Here's a picture of the kitchen and bathroom below. Living room and upstairs to follow!

Isn't that the tiniest sink you've ever seen?? :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Different Cultures

There have been many great things about living overseas (traveling, adventure, BEACHES!) as well as not so great (the lack of mexican food and Wal-mart spring to mind!) But one of the things that I hope to take away from this experience is just how different cultures can be. For instance, before our recent trip to Taipei, I researched some of the Do's and Don'ts of their culture. Did you know that you never EVER point to a tombstone? Or whistle at night? Both are seen as an invitation to ghosts. You should never give a friend your umbrella but should "rent" it to them (for like NT$1 which is about 30 cents) because the word for umbrella in mandarin is very similar to the word for break up. Funny how things work.

During one of our last days in Taiwan, Justin and I hopped on a train and headed in search of a small (in comparison) town with one big Buddha.
Three hours later we arrived in Changhua City. After gazing at the Buddha, we grabbed a
cab back into town. I must add that being that far away from the usual tourist sights, english speakers were a rare commodity. Luckily to find the Buddha, we were able to show a picture in the travel guide and POOF! we were driven directly there. The ride back however, was a little more difficult. Finally "CHOO CHOO!!" was able to drive home the point that we wanted to go to the train station!

Anyway, back in town, while waiting on our train we walked around and found a little dumpling place, pointed to a picture, hoped it was edible and ordered. As we were eating we heard music begin to play down the street. Like an ice cream truck coming. We waited and watched in amusement as people from everywhere began to come out with bags of garbage. Yup. That's right … people deliver their garbage to the garbage truck! We even saw one older lady on a second floor put hers on a crank and lower it down to street level where someone else took it in for her. I think if our garbage guys knew how good other garbage guys had it, we'd have a strike on our hands!!

I know that was random and kind of silly, but I thought it was just a perfect example of "Everyone has their own way of doing things"