Monday, September 13, 2010

New job, new office

Well, I've FINALLY started my new job. Sort of. They still haven't granted me computer access yet and without it, basically all I can do is stare at a blank computer screen and see how many times I can spin around in my chair without stopping. (It's three by the way) Hopefully they will activate my CAC (computer access card) soon or I may go nuts. Or they may decide to send me home. Because I am LITERALLY doing nothing. So stand by for the update on how the job is going. But until then, you can get a peek at my office. That's right, I have an office. A very empty office, but still. Do you see that empty shelf? And those empty walls? And all that empty desk space? I think I need some MSU stuff. I'm just saying! Who am I kidding. I just need some help decorating in general!
Almost everyone in the clinic has a dry erase board on their door with their name on it so that you know who's office is who's and you can write a message if you need to. Everyone else's is white. I couldn't have that! This one looked much more like me.

Everything's bigger in ... Okinawa?

Okay, so maybe it's supposed to be Texas, but I bet we have bigger snails!! Look at this monster that Justin and I found creeping in front of our front door the other night. I put my car keys down as a size reference. Can anyone say ESCARGOT? :P