This is the "jet pack" that the instructor had on that took us up in the air. No boat. just a big fan!!
I think I look a tad bit nervous!!
On Sunday Justin and I finally got to have our deep sea fishing trip that we've been planning. We've talked about it several times, but just hadn't seemed to get the schedule to cooporate. So we set out for an 80 mile boat trip(Roundtrip) -- leaving the dock at 6:00am and not returning until after 8pm!! What a long day! About half way to the fishing point, I started to feel sick. REALLY sick! So I spent the first half of the day curled up in the fetal position on the floor of the boat. But once the dramamine kicked in, I felt fine. Note to self: take dramamine before anymore sea experiences!!
We only caught 9 fish between the 8 fishers that we had on the boat so it wasn't exactly a productive trip either, but it was still fun. Justin caught 3 of the 9 fish. :)