The first two weeks here have been a blurr. Buying cars, moving into our house, getting our japanese drivers licenses, getting cellphones, learning to drive on the "wrong" side of the road, an earthquake, tsunami warning, all while recovering from jet lag. Yeah. I must say, the people here are amazing. Everyone here is so nice. Like "southern" nice. The people and family of the people that Justin works with, and the Japanese people as well. It's crazy. So far, I haven't met one person who hasn't been willing to go completely out of their way to help you out. This was our "welcome basket" that was in our TLF room when we arrived from the airport. It was nice to have food and snacks waiting on us after getting off such a long flight!!!

Without a car for the first week, we haven't been able to do THAT much exploring, but we've gotten out a bit. We went to a couple of the beaches see the sights. They are beautiful. I took these pictures with my cellphone, so they don't do it justice! It was a little chilly and rainy this day, but it has rapidly warmed up. I can't wait to hit the beach for the first time. It shouldn't be long now. It is about 77 degrees here today. So nice!

I had the opportunity to go down to Naha for an afternoon one day. It was really cool. It's much larger and "city-esque" than the area that the base is.

There is a large fish market there that is pretty cool. Locals catch fish and bring it into the fish market. You can buy it there, fresh out of the ocean and either take it home, or point to what you want and then head upstairs and they will cook it for you right there. There were several things that I saw there that even I wouldn't want to eat (having looked at it in the pre-cooked stage) like these little guys...

Standby for more pictures and posts. On Sunday Justin and I are going on a whale watching tour and then a trip into Naha. It should be amazing and definitely photo/blog worthy!