Monday, September 13, 2010
New job, new office
Everything's bigger in ... Okinawa?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Busy weekend!
This is the "jet pack" that the instructor had on that took us up in the air. No boat. just a big fan!!
I think I look a tad bit nervous!!
On Sunday Justin and I finally got to have our deep sea fishing trip that we've been planning. We've talked about it several times, but just hadn't seemed to get the schedule to cooporate. So we set out for an 80 mile boat trip(Roundtrip) -- leaving the dock at 6:00am and not returning until after 8pm!! What a long day! About half way to the fishing point, I started to feel sick. REALLY sick! So I spent the first half of the day curled up in the fetal position on the floor of the boat. But once the dramamine kicked in, I felt fine. Note to self: take dramamine before anymore sea experiences!!
We only caught 9 fish between the 8 fishers that we had on the boat so it wasn't exactly a productive trip either, but it was still fun. Justin caught 3 of the 9 fish. :)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ikea Island
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sea Wall and Doctor Fish
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Churaumi Aquarium
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The countdown begins!
There are so many things that we want to do when he gets here!! Snorkeling, the aquarium, deep sea fishing, eating at the vending machine restaurants, sushi, exploring the castles, the battle grounds...the list goes on and on. I hope we can get it all in!
But first things first. Our first adventure will be the flights. Logan hasn't flown since he was little so that will be a "new" experience for him. We'll start off with a night in Slidell at our Grandparents (Yay!) and then the next day we'll head to New Orleans where the real fun begins! (for Logan i'm sure it will start out as fun...for me, not so much! lol But having him with me will make it tolerable!)
So we will fly from New Orleans to Los Angeles, California where we will stay the night because we will have to be back at the airport at 4:30am the next morning. Again, Logan will probably be so excited that he won't notice. Maybe his excitement will rub off on me. I HATE standing in those long international lines!! But I can remember when Justin and I went to Paris for the first time and when we came to Japan for the first time...they didn't seem nearly as long. :)
From Los Angeles we will go to San Francisco then on to Tokyo then finally to Okinawa only to do it all over again in reverse a month later. It will be quite a trip but totally worth it!
My trip back to the states will be a quick one, but I hope to see as many of my friends and family as I can. Things are amazing here, but that doesn't change how much I miss you guys!!! See you soon!! ;)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
BBQ Season

We even have a fountain and an umbrella that we purchased from the gift shop that I work at. It's like a huge version of those little umbrellas that they put in those fruity drinks that you get on the beach ;) Now I need some plants to kill. I mean nurture and love. I am actually growing two right now. I've had one for about two weeks and the other for about four days.
Hopefully it will stop raining long enough one day soon so that we can enjoy our patio!

The Barrel Restaurant
Come on guys. Don't act like you didn't know I get excited over stupid things! Anyway, to sum it up it was cool. We literally ate in a barrel. And the food was awesome too. No really. When Logan gets here i'm up for round two of the barrel!

Thursday, May 13, 2010
My mis-adventures with Shadow
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Pennies, where??

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dragon Boat races
The same but different ...
I'm going to have to start taking a different route to work and to the BX. I see this almost daily. I get all fired up!! It's good to know that I still bleed maroon and white I guess =)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Shopping in Japan